Schwarze Ritter

Staff list of the mercenary company leaded by Jan Kemeny. Some of them still lack a proper image, and there are free places left for extras...
Captain Jan Kemeny |
Lieutenant Ophelia Sendaine |
Medical officer Adila Meyer |
Master sergeant Radja Gaolan |
Sergeant Varnilran Niireus |
Sergeant Anita Rubios |
Corporal Julian Linz |
Corporal Ialen Jinremal |
Corporal Zaleeya Dalmar Labaan |
Corporal Kemra Wicean |
Kai Petersson |
Jelana Darall |
Centargo Trannes |
Mayen Killaran |
Naltes |
Andyss Sendaine |
Vinnel Samaryen |
Kelteu Riilzal |
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