Title: Elenei (regent) of Denis Yame
Age: 213
Height: 1,82m
Hair color: brown
Eyes color: black
Race: Alraithian
Zodiac sign: Libra
Eldest daughter of Alraith's First Duke, Alesair de lay Varnar. Born in 10215, in 10316 she married Prince Raenel I of Theitor and had two children, Kair and Lorna. Her husband died before assuming the crown, that went to her teenager son Kair. In 10340 she was appointed elenei of the Denis Yame sector, so she could use her diplomatic skills to deal with Tyelar people. Even the most fanatical Tyelar rebels respect her.
As many Alraithian nobles, she's a vampire and is extremely long-lived. She looks much younger than her granddaughter Emezloude, and this fact always seems to confuse many court guests.