Job: Secretary, writer
Age: 35
Height: 1,83m
Hair color: green
Eyes color: green
Race: Dragellan/Kainal
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Born on planet Iren (Miroa A-1) in 10393, her mother was a Dragellan and her father a Kainal. Works as a secretary for lan Raenel and runs his fief when he's away (that is, most of the time) but she's also a highly regarded thriller writer. Raenel nicknamed her "Death at Work" for her ghostly and gaunt appearance, but she believes it's due to her second job instead. Raenel also gave her a scythe that she keeps behind her desk.
She joined the WGU at first to have her books published by Esterina Publishing, but ended up leading the WGU "secret service" with the rank of Colonel. She knows a lot of secrets about the most attractive bachelors of all the Empire, as she sees regularly their friends and relatives.

Lonlena's ghostly even in her manners. Silent and still, she can sneak almost everywhere as people usually don't notice her presence. That's why she often frightens them by her sudden appearance. Besides, she underlines her thinness with a "post-mortem violet" make-up.
Lonlena had a crush on prince Raenel from the very day she started to work for him. She doesn't seem to worry for their great age difference, but he does.